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My Day in Acorn Class (Nursery)

In Acorn Class we have children that are ‘Little Acorns’ and ‘Big Acorns’. Our Little Acorns are aged 2-3 years. Our Big Acorns are aged between 3-4 years and are going to Reception next year.

08:40 When I arrive at Nursery, I wait with my family for the door to open. Sometimes I may feel a little nervous, but once I have seen the adults in my class and my friends and said “hello”, I start to feel happy and safe.

08:45-09:00. An adult in Nursery opens the door, I say goodbye to my family. I come into my classroom, put my water bottle on the shelf and head into the cloakroom where another Nursery teacher helps me hang my coat and bag on my peg. Afterward, I can go to the Book Vote Station, where I get to choose between two books and vote for the one I'd like to hear during story time.

09:00 All my friends are here now, and the door closes. The Little Acorns do Dough Disco with two Nursery teachers. This fun activity combines music and movement with playdough, helping me develop fine motor skills (hand muscles) and hand-eye coordination, while also learning to follow rhythms and beats.

09:10 The Big Acorns have their Phonics session, where we learn about syllables, rhyming words, and the sounds in words (like c-a-t, blending to form 'cat'). After this, we do our Dough Disco lesson too!

09:00-11:30 The Big Acorns have their Phonics session, where we learn about syllables, rhyming words, and the sounds in words (like c-a-t, blending to form 'cat'). After this, we do our Dough Disco lesson too!

09:00-11:30 When we're not in Group Time with an adult, we learn through play – we call this Independent Learning. I can choose to play in the indoor or outdoor classroom.. My teacher has set up different areas in both classrooms to help me explore and challenge my learning. Inside, we have:

  • Playdough
  • Art and Workshop
  • Science and Investigation
  • Transient Art/Loose Parts
  • Sand
  • Reading Area
  • Home Corner
  • Construction Area
  • Maths Area
  • Small World and Blocks Area

Outside, I we have a:

  • Sandpit
  • Mud Kitchen
  • Small Climbing Frame
  • Large Loose Parts Area
  • Water Area


10:00 The snack bar opens! I wash my hands and wait for a space to sit down. I can have milk or my water bottle, and choose a snack from a collection of fruits. Sometimes, I get to cut my fruit with child-safe knives. I love snack time because it's a great chance to talk with my friends and the adults.

11:30 It's time to tidy up the things I’ve been playing with. I always know where things belong and where to put them back.

11:40 This is when we sit on the carpet for our Group Time Lesson. Sometimes we do Talk for Writing, where we listen to and learn a short, high-quality story that we retell with words and actions. This helps us learn new vocabulary and develop our storytelling skills. We also sometimes sing nursery rhymes or enjoy another story.

12:00 After washing my hands, I get ready for lunch. We eat in the hall, and an adult from Nursery sits at my table to help and chat with us. We each have our own placemats at lunchtime, which helps me find my space and makes me feel special as I sit down to eat. On Wednesdays, some of my friends go home, but new friends come in, and I’m always excited to see them!

12:30-13:00 It's time to tidy up the things I’ve been playing with. I always know where things belong and where to put them back.

13:00 The Big Acorns do Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle. This fun activity combines music, movement, and squiggling (drawing or making marks) to help develop my fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, preparing me for writing.

13:10 In the Summer Term, the Little Acorns do Squiggle Movement, which focuses on developing gross motor movements to music – a step before Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle

13:00-14:25 When we’re not in Group Time with an adult, we’re learning through play during Independent Learning. I love having time to choose where and how I want to learn, and it's great when teachers join me so I can talk to them about what I’m doing and they can help me with my learning.

14:25 Time to tidy up and get ready for story time.

14:35 I love story time – it’s one of the best parts of my day!

14:45 I get all my things ready to go home. While everyone is getting ready, we have a class conversation about what we’ve learned today and sing some of our favourite nursery rhymes.

15:00 It’s hometime! I’m excited to see my family again. I say goodbye to my friends and the adults in Nursery, and I can’t wait to come back tomorrow for more fun!