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Enjoying Learning Together

The curriculum at Shalford Infant & Nursery School is underpinned by our values, which run through our school like a golden thread, giving everyone the tools to be the very best person that they can 


Feeling thankful and happy when good things happen to us.


Thinking and acting in a way that shows you care about yourself, others and the world. 


Speaking the truth and acting truthfully


Being caring and helpful, and looking after others.


Being trusted by others to make good choices. 


Understanding what it is like to be someone else and feeling what they are feeling.


Treating everyone the same because it is OK to be different. 


Listening to everyone’s ideas and working as a team. 


Deciding to do something difficult even when you feel afraid. 


Always trying your hardest and not giving up, even when something is challenging. 


Reaching a goal, however big or small. 

Our curriculum is planned around our belief that each child is unique and should feel empowered to be confident, happy and motivated learners. Shalford is committed to providing a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum that builds on prior knowledge, skills and understanding.

Our values-based curriculum meets the formal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum whilst giving children the opportunity to experience the challenge and enjoyment of learning. Teachers enable children to discover, develop and demonstrate their creativity in different contexts both inside and outside the classroom. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible citizens, who 'enjoy learning together', whilst providing them with skills that they will use beyond infant school and support them to become lifelong learners who make a positive contribution to society.

The power of our curriculum lies in its integration. Learning crosses boundaries between subjects. For a young child, learning is not compartmentalised. Our writing and reading are used in history to help us understand at a deeper level, the event we are learning about, and our art work helps us to observe more closely, the historical detail of the period. Whilst we plan in subjects, maintaining the rigour and integrity of the subject, we connect learning so that learning in one domain is supported by learning in another.

Alongside the integration of learning, we recognise the importance of basic skills – the building blocks of learning: reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and mathematical processes and skills. Children need constant repetition, practice and over-learning to secure these skills. We will always teach discretely, giving them prominence of place and allocating the necessary time for learners to become proficient, competent and confident.

You can view the annual long term planning for each class below.

If you would like to know more about our curriculum at Shalford please contact us via the school office.